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Selección de bibliografía recomendada sobre apologética

Ofrecemos aquí, de entre una producción casi inabarcable, una selección de obras interesantes y útiles sobre apologética tanto cristiana como específicamente católica. Hay autores católicos y evangélicos, y con diferentes acentos; también sus temáticas son variadas: cosmología, antropología, exégesis bíblica, filosofía, historia. A pesar de su diversidad, estimamos que todas ellas merecen la pena de ser estudiadas tanto para afianzar nuestras razones para la fe como para presentar éstas a los no creyentes. Lamentablemente, aún no es tan numerosa la producción en español. Cuando hay una traducción disponible conocida, la citamos en esa versión:  

Adadzie, Delali, Catholic Apologetics. Guide 101
Akin, Jimmy, A Daily Defense 365 Days to Becoming A Better Apologist
Ankerberg, John y Weldon, John, Knowing the Truth About Jesus the Messiah
Ankerberg, John y Weldon, John, The Facts on False Views of Jesus
Armstrong, Dave, Biblical Catholic Apologetics. A Collection Of Essays
Armstrong, Dave, Mere Christian Apologetics
Armstrong, Dave, One Minute Apologist
Armstrong, Dave, The Bible Tells Me So. A Catholic Apologist Challenges Protestants With Scripture
Armstrong, Dave, The Catholic Verses 95 Bible Passages That Confound Protestants
Arraiz, José, Compendio de Apologética Católica
Arraiz, José, Conversaciones con mis amigos evangélicos
Augros, Michael, The Immortal in You. How Human Nature Is More Than Science Can Say
Augros, Michael, Who Designed The Designer? A Rediscovered Path To God's Existence

Bahnsen, Greg, Preparate para la buena batalla

Barr, Stephen, Modern Physics and Ancient Faith
Barr, Stephen, Science and Religion: The Myth of Conflict

Barron, Robert, Answering the atheists
Barron, Robert, Catolicismo. Un Viaje al Corazón de la Fe
Barron, Robert, Vibrant Paradoxes. The Both-And Of Catholicism

Bauckham, Richard, Jesús and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony

Berlinski, David, The Devil's Delusion. Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions
Blomberg, Craig, Can We Still Believe The Bible? An Evangelical Engagement With Contemporary Questions
Blomberg, Craig, The Historical Reliability of the Gospels
Boa, Kenneth y Bowman, Robert, 20 Compelling Evidences That God Exists

Boa, Kenneth y Bowman, Robert, Faith Has Its Reasons. Integrative Approaches to Defending the Christian Faith

Bock, Darrell, Breaking The Da Vinci Code. Answers To The Questions Everyone's Asking

Boyd, Gregory y Eddy, Paul, Lord Or Legend? Wrestling With The Jesus Dilemma
Boyd, Gregory y Eddy, Paul, The Jesus Legend. A Case For The Historical Reliability Of The Synoptic Jesus Tradition
Boyd, Gregory, Cartas de un Escéptico
Broocks, Rice y Habermas, Gary, Man, Myth, Messiah. Answering History’s Greatest Question

Brown, Michael, Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus

Brown, Raymond, 101 Preguntas y Respuestas Sobre La Biblia

Brown, Raymond, The Virginal Conception and Bodily Resurrection of Jesus

Bruce, Frederick, The Canon Of Scripture.
Bruce, Frederick, The New Testament Documents. Are They Reliable?

Brumley, Mark, The Seven Deadly Sins of Apologetics.
Brüntrup, Godehard y Tacelli, Ronald (Eds.), The Rationality of Theism
Burggraf, Jutta, Teología Fundamental. Manual De Iniciación
Carreira, Manuel, El hombre en el cosmos
Carreira, Manuel, Verdad, Ciencia y Fe
Caso-Rosendi, Carlos, Qué es la Apologética
Caso-Rosendi, Carlos, Vademecum De Apologética Católica. Cómo usar la Biblia para defender la fe
Chesterton, G. K., El hombre eterno
Chesterton, G. K., Por qué soy católico
Chesterton, G. K., Razones para la Fe
Copan, P. y Craig, W. (Eds.), Resurrection. Fact or Fiction. A Debate Between William Craig & Gerd Ludemann
Copan, P. y Craig, W. (Eds), Contending with Christianity’s Critics. Answering New Atheists and Other Objectors
Copan, Paul, That’s Just Your Interpretation. Responding to Skeptics Who Challenge Your Faith
Copan, Paul, True for You, But Not for Me. Overcoming Objections to Christian Faith
Copan, Paul, When God Goes To Starbucks. A Guide To Everyday Apologetics
Copan. Paul, How Do You Know You’re Not Wrong. Responding to Objections That Leave Christians Speechless
Corlett, J., The errors of atheism
Craig, William y Sinnott, Armstrong, Walter, God. a Debate Between a Christian and An Atheist
Craig, William, Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus
Craig, William, Hard Questions, Real Answers
Craig, William, On Guard. Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision
Craig, William, Reasonable Faith
Crean, Thomas, God Is No Delusion. A Refutation of Richard Dawkins
Dembski W. The design inference. Eliminating chance through small probabilities
Dembski, W. (Ed.), Mere Creation. Science, Faith & Intelligent Design
Dembski, W. y Schirrmacher, T. (Eds), Tough Minded Christianity. Legacy of John Warwick Montgomery
Dembski, William y Wells, Jonathan, The Design of Life. Discovering Signs of Intelligence In Biological Systems
Dembski, William, The design inference. Eliminating chance through small probabilities
Dierckx, P. y Jordá, M., Para dar razón de nuestra esperanza

Downing, Francis, Making Sense in (And Of) the First Christian Century

Dunn, James, Jesus Remembered

Dunn, James, Redescubrir a Jesús de Nazaret. Lo que la investigación sobre el Jesús histórico ha olvidado

Dunn, James, The Evidence for Jesus

Earle Ellis, E., The Making of the New Testament Documents

Eddy, P., Beilby, J., Price, R., Crossan, J., Johnson, L., Dunn, J y Bock, D., The Historical Jesus. Five Views

Evans, Craig, El Jesús deformado. Cómo Algunos Estudiosos Modernos Tergiversan Los Evangelios
Fenton, Joseph, Laying The Foundation. A Handbook Of Catholic Apologetics And Fundamental Theology
Feser, Edward, The Last Superstition. A Refutation of the New Atheism

Fox, Robin Lane, Pagans and Christians

Fuentes, Miguel Ángel, Dónde dice La Biblia que…
Geisler, N. y Brooks, R., Come, Let Us Reason. An Introduction To Logical Thinking
Geisler, N. y McCoy, D., The Atheist’s Fatal Flaw. Exposing conflicting beliefs
Geisler, N., Christian Apologetics
Geisler, N., Reasons for Belief. Easy To Understand answers to 10 Essential Questions
Geisler, N., Turek, F. y Limbaugh, D., I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
Glynn, Patrick, God, the evidence. The reconciliation of faith and reason in a postsecular world
González Horrillo, José, Manual Básico para Católicos sin complejos

Greham Machen, J., The Virgin Birth of Christ

Groothuis, Douglas, Christian Apologetics. A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith
Guinness, Os, Fool's Talk. Recovering the art of Christian persuasion
Habermas, Gary y Licona, Michae, The Case For The Resurrection Of Jesus
Habermas, Gary, Cristo ha resucitado de entre los muertos
Habermas, Gary, La Singularidad de Jesucristo entre las Mayores
Habermas, Gary, The Historical Jesus Ancient Evidence For The Life Of Christ
Habermas, Gary, The Uniqueness Of Jesus Christ Among The Major World Religions
Hackett, Stuart, The Resurrection Of Theism. Prolegomena To Christian Apology

Hahn, Scott y Wiker, Benjamin, Dawkins en observación

Hahn, Scott, La fe es razonable

Hahn, Scott, Fe y revelación. Conocer a Dios a través de la Sagrada Escritura
Hahn, Scott, Comprender las Escrituras
Hahn, Scott, La Iglesia. Sacramento de salvación

Hannam, James, God’s Philosophers. How The Medieval World Laid The Foundations Of Modern Science
Harris, Murray, Jesus As God. The New Testament Use Of Theos In Reference To Jesus
Haught, J., God and the New Atheism. A Critical Response to Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens
Hernández, Orlando, Lo Que Quiso Saber De La Iglesia Católica Y No Se Atrevió A Preguntar
Hogan, John, Credible Signs Of Christ. Alive Case Studies From The Catholic Campaign For Human Development
Horn, Trent, Answering Atheism. How to Make the Case
Horn, Trent, Hard Sayings. A Catholic Approach to Answering Bible Difficulties
Horn, Trent, The Case for Catholicism: Answers to Classic and Contemporary Protestant Objections
House, H. y Jowers, D., Reasons for Our Hope. An Introduction to Christian Apologetics
Hutchinson, Ian, Monopolizing Knowledge
Iglesias Grèzes, Daniel, En el principio era el Logos. Apologética Católica
Iglesias Grèzes, Daniel, Razones para nuestra esperanza. Apologética Católica
Iglesias Grèzes, Daniel, Y El Logos Se Hizo Carne. Apologética Católica En Diálogo Con Los No Cristianos
Ivereigh, A. y De La Cierva, Y., Como Defender La Fe Sin Levantar La Voz
Izquierdo, C., Teología Fundamental

Kelly, M., Redescubre el Catolicismo

Komoszewski, J., Sawyer, M. y Wallace, D., Reinventing Jesus. How contemporary skeptics miss the real Jesus and mislead popular culture
Koukl, Gregory y Beckwith, Francis, Relativism. Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air
Koukl, Gregory, Tactics. A Game Plan For Discussing Your Christian Convictions
Kreeft, Peter y Tacelli, Ronald, Handbook Of Catholic Apologetics. Reasoned Answers To Questions Of Faith
Kreeft, Peter y Tacelli, Ronald, Pocket Handbook Of Christian Apologetics
Kreeft, Peter, A Refutation Of Moral Relativism
Kreeft, Peter, Because God Is Real. Sixteen Questions, One Answer
Kreeft, Peter, Yes Or No. Straight Answers to Tough Questions about Christianity
Lennox, John, Disparando contra Dios. Por qué los nuevos ateos no dan en el blanco

Lennox, John, Seven Days That Divide the World. The Beginning According to Genesis and Science

Lennox, John y Gooding, David, Christianity: Opium or Truth?

Leon Dufour, X., Resurrección de Jesús y Mensaje Pascual    
Levering, Matthew, Proofs of God. Classical Arguments from Tertullian to Barth
Lewis, C. S., Dios En El Banquillo
Lewis, C. S., Mero Cristianismo
Lewis, C. S.., La Abolición Del Hombre
Lima, Alessandro, Em defesa da Fé Católica nas questões mais difíceis
Loring, Jorge, 40 Conferencias
Loring, Jorge, 400 Respuestas a Preguntas Que Usted Puede Hacerse Sobre La Doctrina Católica
Loverman, Dean, A Case For The Divinity Of Jesus. Examining The Earliest Evidence

Macaya, Antonio, Un latido en la tumba. Demostración histórica de la Resurrección de Jesús.

Madrid, Patrick, 150 Bible Verses Every Catholic Should Know
Madrid, Patrick, Does the Bible Really Say. That Discovering Catholic Teaching in Scripture
Madrid, Patrick, Envoy For Christ. 25 Years As A Catholic Apologist
McDowell, Josh y Larson, Bart, Jesus. A Biblical Defense of His Deity
McDowell, Josh, Evidence That Demands a Verdict
McGrath, A. y Green, M., Como Llegar A Ellos. Defendamos y comuniquemos la fe cristiana a los no creyentes
McGrath, A. y McGrath, J., The Dawkins Delusion. Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine
McGrath, Alister, La Ciencia Desde La Fe
McGrath, Alister, The twilight of atheism

McKenzie, Leon, Pagan Resurrection Myths and the Resurrection of Jesus
Medina, Jorge, Desenmascarando El Codigo Davinci
Meister, C. y Sweis, K. (Eds.), Christian Apologetics. An Anthology Of Primary Sources
Messori, Vittorio y Tornelli, Andrea, Por qué creo. Una vida para dar razón de la fe
Messori, Vittorio, Dicen Que Ha Resucitado. Una Investigación Sobre El Sepulcro Vacío
Messori, Vittorio, Hipótesis sobre Jesús
Messori, Vittorio, Leyendas Negras de la Iglesia

Metzger, B. y Ehrman, B., The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration
Metzger, Bruce, Canon of the New Testament, Its Origin, Development, and Significance 
Monserrat, J., El espejismo de Dawkins, La ciencia y la existencia de Dios
Moreland, J. y Wilkins, M., Jesus Under Fire. Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus
Moreland, J., Scaling the Secular City. A Defense of Christianity
Moreland, J., Sweis, K. y Meister, C., Debating Christian Theism
Morrison, Frank, ¿Quién Movió La Piedra?
Moser, P. y Copan. P. (Eds.), The Rationality of Theism

Nash, Ronald, The Gospel and the Greeks
Overman, Dean, A Case for the Divinity of Jesus. Examining the Earliest Evidence
Overman, Dean, A Case for the existence of God
Pascal, Blas, Pensamientos
Pearcey, Nancy, Finding Truth. 5 Principles For Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, And Other God Substitutes
Pié Ninot, Salvador, La teología fundamental

Piper, John, Contending for Our All. Defending Truth and Treasuring Christ in the Lives of Athanasius, John Owen, and J. Gresham Machen.
Pitre, Brant, The Case for Jesus. The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ
Plantinga, Alvin, God and other minds. a Study of the Rational Justification of Belief in God
Plantinga, Alvin, The Dawkins Confusion
Plantinga, Alvin, Warranted Christian Belief
Powell, Doug, Guía Holmnan de Apologética Cristiana. Pruebas y fundamentos de la fe cristiana
Ratzinger, Joseph, Dios y El Mundo
Rhodes, Ron, 5 Minute Apologetics For Today. 365 Quick Answers To Key Questions

Richards, Jay y Gonzalez, Guillermo, El planeta privilegiado: Cómo nuestro lugar en el cosmos está diseñado para el descubrimiento
Robertson, David, The Dawkins Letters. Challenging Atheist Myths
Ross, Hugh, Improbable Planet. How Earth Became Humanity’s Home
Ross, Hugh, The creator and the cosmos. How the greatest scientific discoveries of the century reveal God
Ross, Hugh, Why the Universe Is the Way It Is
Russell, Jeffrey, Exposing Myths About Christianity: A Guide to Answering 145 Viral Lies and Legends
Samples, Kenneth, A World Of Difference. Putting Christian Truth Claims To The Worldview Test
Samples, Kenneth, God among Sages. Why Jesus Is Not Just Another Religious Leader
Schaeffer, Francis, The God Who Is There
Sesboüé, Bernard, Creer. Invitación a la fe católica para las mujeres y los hombres del siglo XX
Silva, Sergio, Teología Fundamental

Soler Gil, Francisco (Ed.), Dios y las cosmologías modernas
Spitzer, Robert, New proofs for the existence of God. Contributions of Contemporary physics
Stackhouse, John, Humble Apologetics. Defending The Faith Today
Stark, Rodney, Falso testimonio. Desmontando siglos de historia anticatólica
Strobel, Lee, El Caso de Cristo. Una Investigación Exhaustiva
Strobel, Lee, El Caso de la Fe
Strobel, Lee, El Caso del Jesús Verdadero
Strobel, Lee, The Case for a Creator. A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God
Strobel, Lee, The Case for Christmas. A journalist investigates the identity of the child in the manger
Strobel, Lee, The Case for Easter. A Journalist Investigates the Evidence for the Resurrection

Swidler, Leonard, Religion for Reluctant Believers
Swidler, Leonard y Sztanyo, Dick, Faith And Reason
Swinburne, Richard, Faith and Reason
Swinburne, Richard, The existence of God
Swinburne, Richard, The Resurrection of God Incarnate
Swinburne, Richard, Was Jesus God?
Tapias Lakatt, Anwar, Apologética en un minuto. Respuestas cortas a preguntas precisas
Thompson, B., Scientific Case For Creation
Thompson, B., The Case For The Existence Of God
Trasancos, Stacy, Particles of Faith: A Catholic Guide to Navigating Science
Tresmontant, Claude, Ciencias del universo y problemas metafísicos
Turek, Frank y Zacharias, Ravi, Stealing from God. Why Atheists need God to make their point
Urbina, Dante, ¡Dios sí existe! Cómo defender racionalmente esta verdad ante ateos
Urbina, Dante, Dios Existe. El libro que todo creyente deberá leer
Verschuuren, Gerard, Five Anti-Catholic Myths. Slavery, Crusades, Inquisition, Galileo, Holocaust
Viamanos, Francisco, Teología Fundamental Para Seglares
Vidal, César, El Legado Del Cristianismo En La Cultura Occidental
Von Kamecke, Fred, Busted. Exposing Popular Myths About Christianity

Vost, Kevin, Memorize The Reasons! Defending. The Faith With The Catholic Art Of Memory
Ward, Keith, Pascal's Fire. Scientific Faith And Religious Understanding
Ward, Keith, The Case For Religion
Ward, Keith, The Evidence for God. The Case for the Existence of the Spiritual Dimension
Ward, Keith, The God Conclusion. Theism in the Western Philosophical Tradition
Ward, Keith, Why There Almost Certainly Is a God. Doubting Dawkins
Ward, Keith, The Case For Religion
Ward, Keith, The Evidence for God. The Case for the Existence of the Spiritual Dimension
Ward, Keith, The God Conclusion. Theism in the Western Philosophical Tradition
Ward, Keith, Why There Almost Certainly Is a God. Doubting Dawkins
Warner, James, Cold-Case Christianity. A homicide detective investigates the claim of the Gospels
Warner, James, God’s Crime Scene. A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe
Weidenkopf, Steve, The Real Story Of Catholic History. Answering Twenty Centuries Of Anti Catholic Myths

Woods, Thomas, Como la Iglesia Católica construyó la civilización occidental 

Wright, N. T., La Resurrección del Hijo de Dios. Los orígenes cristianos y la cuestión de Dios
Zacharias, Ravi, Jesus Among Other Gods. The Absolute Claims Of The Christian Message
Zacharias, Ravi, The End of Reason. A Response to the New Atheists

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